Sunday, July 3, 2011

Anybody but Obama .... but these three are on the top of my list

Bookmark and Share We are lucky in these times to have conservatives strong enough in their beliefs to take a bold stand against the left and to stand up for our America as is was meant to be, to fight for what our founding fathers knew was right, and to uphold our Constitution.

Palin, Bachmann, McCotter. Three strong voices speaking out against the harm this current administration is causing us.

Would that one of these three along with a conservative House and Senate would be bold enough to cut the federal payroll starting with themselves. Term limits, pay limits, benefit limits. Let all our leaders return to working class status rather than elitist.

Our politicians have made holding office a career. That can no longer be an opportunity for them. Let them serve not for monetary gain or for power but instead for honor, something they sorely now lack.

In the future let them come to power for no more than two terms and there is no need for them to house themselves in Washington D.C. or provide them with taxpayer paid car and driver. With the Internet and virtual meetings available in this day and age they can stay home in their own districts. If they need to go to D.C. they can travel by commercial airline, train or drive their own car and stay only long enough, perhaps two weeks out of the year, to do what they need to do, face time if you will with their colleagues. Good planning can accomplish a wise use of time.

The above eliminates the need for the many federally paid staff they currently keep at taxpayers expense. Let them remain in their home districts where the local taxpayer can decide how much staff and how many perks they need.

You can see this makes it more difficult for the greedy lobbyists to put pressure on the politician over the requests of the local constituents.

Would that a conservative government would eliminate the bureaucracies that drain money from working Americans paychecks. Eliminate the utterly useless Department of Education and give this task back to the States. Eliminate the overbearing Department of Commerce. Eliminate the fraud that is the Environmental Protection Agency. Eliminate any and all of these bureaucracies that do not fit the aim our our constitution. Give the rights back to the States.

Not only bureaucracies but Federal hand outs to Foreign countries that abuse the money we give them. Let charity begin at home. Currently our government takes money from the working people and gives it to enemy governments, universities whose goal it is to re-educate our children in liberal socialism and communism, and all other liberal anti-American conglomerates whose sole aim is to destroy the American way of life, think NPR, The Tides Foundation, Planned Parenthood and so many others.

Would that as a conservative government we would seriously apply ourselves to that constitutional demand that we defend our borders. Send illegal aliens back to their home countries, stop the flow of illegal immigration and apply strict regulation to those attempting to enter legally unless their goal is to become one of 'us', not just to bring their current country's belief system to our country.