Thursday, August 13, 2009

State-Wide 9/12 Gathering

You are cordially invited to a state-wide gathering hosted by the Lexington Chapter, which is the acting hub for the state. We will kick things off with a Meet and Greet open to all SC 9/12'ers at Maurice's Barbeque on Rte 6 in Lexington (intersection with I-20) on Friday, August 28th, at 7:00 pm.

On Saturday, August 29th, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, there will be a Leadership Meeting with key leaders from each of the established 9/12 Project South Carolina chapters.

The full gathering will be a picnic at Saluda Shoals Park on Saturday, August 29th, starting at 12:30 pm. Come and fellowship with other 9/12'ers from around the state, learn about the direction and goals for our group heading forward, and hear how the other state groups have been active.

Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and drinks will be provided, courtesy of the Lexington members, so please RSVP as soon as possible so we can get a head count.

Send replies with total number in your family attending to: